About Costa Rica

Origin of Costa Rica

Costa Rica, which means “Rich Coast” in Spanish, is a beautiful country located in Central America. Its origin dates back to the pre-Columbian era, when indigenous tribes such as the Chorotega, Huetar, and Bribri lived on its land.

The arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1502 marked the beginning of Costa Rica’s colonial period. The Spanish colonization lasted for over 300 years and had a significant impact on the country’s culture and traditions. However, Costa Rica managed to maintain its independence from Spain, and on September 15, 1821, it declared its independence along with other Central American countries.

Geographical Perspective

Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America, bordering Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. It has a diverse geography, with two coastlines (Caribbean and Pacific), rainforests, volcanoes, mountains, and beaches. The country’s highest point is Cerro Chirripó, standing at 3,820 meters (12,533 feet) above sea level.

Costa Rica’s location in the tropics provides it with a warm and humid climate year-round. The country is also home to a large number of plant and animal species, making it one of the world’s most biodiverse countries.

The country’s strategic location has made it an important hub for trade and commerce in Central America. Its proximity to both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans has also made it a popular destination for tourists seeking sun, sand, and surf.

Business Outlook

Costa Rica is a country with a lot of potential for businesses looking to expand into new markets. Located in the heart of the Americas, the country has a strategic location that makes it an ideal hub for international trade and commerce. Additionally, Costa Rica has a highly skilled workforce and a strong tradition of innovation, particularly in high-tech industries such as software development, medical devices, and electronics.

One of the key factors that make Costa Rica an attractive destination for businesses is its stable economy and favorable business climate. The country has implemented policies to promote entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment, such as tax incentives, streamlined business processes, and a strong legal framework. As a result, Costa Rica has become one of the top destinations for foreign direct investment in the region.